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Wherever the faithful gather, there is the church, called together by the Holy Spirit as the risen Body of Christ.

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Women's Fellowship Night

Join us on Wednesday, August 30th at 6:30pm at Miss Iz Ice Cream & Soda Pop Shop off St. Francis Blvd in Ramsey!
Led by Amy Bredemus, women of faith are invited to gather together in fellowship to live their lives to honor God and His plan.

Sunday Service
Sunday Service

Our services begin at 9am every Sunday morning with announcements, followed by contemporary and traditional worship music, communion (every other week), a scripture reading and a message provided by Pastor Julie Marxhausen.
All are welcome to the table.

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Join Us for Studies of Our God and His Word

Stay tuned for upcoming bible studies!

Feel free to email us for more information or just walk on in! You are welcome to join any group at any time!

Saturday Men’s Life Group

8am Every Saturday

All our men of faith are invited to a weekly 8am Saturday morning breakfast and fellowship at Bootlegger’s!

Led by Steve Bargel, this is an opportunity to gather likeminded, God-fearing men together for an easy morning breakfast.

Women’s Fellowship Night!

6:30pm on the last Wednesday of every month

Stay tuned to learn of the next exciting event we have planned for November!

Women are welcome to join our fellowship nights at 6:30pm on the last Wednesday of every month!



    Our contemporary worship Service is 9:00 a.m. every Sunday

    Communion is received on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month.


    The Church is located at:

    18975 Lake George Blvd,
    Oak Grove, MN 55303

    Follow Pastor Julie Marxhausen’s messages on our YouTube channel, New Life Church Oak Grove Minnesota.

    If you can’t make it into the building, you are still always welcome here!

    Called to Invite, Ignite, and Excite all people about Jesus Christ.